by Alyson Gramley
September 30, 2011
From my window to the world in the Athletic Training Room I can see many things this morning. Directly out the window of my office I can see a post-operative baseball athlete engaging in early rehab following shoulder surgery, being guided by the baseball ATC, Sean Boland and one of the Student Athletic Trainers assigned to baseball. There are a group of football Student Athletic Trainers discussing the plan for game preparations - when to bag the fruit, when to meet up in the morning to set up the field - when is the Pharmacology teacher going to post the rest of the midterm grades (that would be ME), and assisting the Football Graduate Assistant, Michael "the Boss" Welch in rehab of the guys in here this morning. And it's only 9:30 Friday morning.
I'm just happy I can actually SEE out the's basketball workout sessions have begun. And when do great basketball teams practice, you might ask? All great basketball teams practice at 6:30 in the morning. Which means one Athletic Trainer and her students arrive at approximately 5:45 AM. Which means, ipso facto, if I want to look halfway presentable for the remainder of the day, I have to hit the alarm at 4:45AM! Needless to say, with all the practices and rehab and planning and craziness we call life going on at the Gramley house these days, my head has not spent nearly enough time with my pillow...but I solved that dilemma last night with a 10 hour conversation with the down comforter. It was lovely and I am having a great hair day because of it.
For the week of the Arkansas, the dubious award goes to Eric Thomas. He is a pleasant young man who had overcome a nasty hand injury in weeks prior. Hand injuries aren't all that bad for some positions, but as a receiver, you kinda' need your hands to work and hold on to the ball! Congrats to's a picture of him with his reward. An ice-cold PowerAde after a long, hot day of practice!
Before I ramble on too much and forget, I must share with you the most recent Athletic Training Room Players of the Week (unofficially sponsored by PowerAde). Criteria for this award is a little different than the typical Player of the Week awards because it isn't based on statistics racked up on the field. This one rewards athletes who have rehab-ed and injury during the week prior to the game (doing all that was asked of them with a pleasant attitude and not having any NO SHOWs on the record) and subsequently made it in the game on Saturday. They could have had a stellar performance or only got in for one little victory formation snap...doesn't matter. Then we all put our heads together in the field house Athletic Training Room and pick somebody through super secret voting techniques not to be revealed in this medium. The athletes know about this award and have actually been known to bring bribes to the voting staff...but we will not be persuaded.

Last week's PPOW award goes to a defensive guy, Brynden Trawick. Brynden had a bummed up knee (we use very specific terms like that around here) and worked really hard to get better during the week. He's a guy that has come around lately and is slowly moving up our "like-o-meter" in the Athletic Training room. Look for good things out of him...#10. You might even see a TROY jersey in the bookstore with that number one day.
Honorable Mention goes to Jamie Hampton. This is the first Honorable Mention we've had, but since I'm the administrator of the program I can make up the rules as we go. Jamie needs no description of his injury, sustained a year ago at MTSU. He took the victory snap in the Bowl Game, but I wasn't there to see it...and was on a blogging hiatus. This was Jamie's first appearance in live game action where he had to do more than fall on a knee. I'm a big fan of Jamie, especially after sharing some thought-provoking moments in a sparkly new hospital in Murfreesboro last year. I wrote a blog about it last year if you'd like to read more.
All of these things inspire me to do great things, day in and day out: the students trying to learn their place in the Athletic Training profession, the athletes trying to get better so they can showcase their talents to the world, and the scarce occasion of 10 hours of sleeping bliss.
I love my job! I love TROY! Being an Athletic Trainer is a trying profession, but in my journey to find something that is enjoyable to do while satisfiying my desire to help people I found the best profession in the world. Of course, it's not for everybody. I often explain it like this: one of my sisters is a flight attendant and the other is an accountant...they are sympathetic vomitters and I don't like to give people drinks and pretzels at 40,000 feet nor do I like to balance my checkbook, but yet vomit doesn't bother me. Problem SOLVED!
I don't know if you've heard, but there's a little game at the Larry Blakeney field Saturday at 6:30 you might want to attend. Nothing like an in-state rival to bring out the fans! Here's to hoping I stay off the field and the players stay on it!