BARRY MCKNIGHT (b_mcknight@yahoo.com)
It's about time for a shameless plug for my "other" job, as the sports-talk co-host on the
Budweiser SportsLine on SportsRadio 740, WMSP-AM, in Montgomery. We'll have some interestin

g pre-game conversations Thursday leading into Saturday morning's Troy-South Carolina game with the Gamecocks' radio play-by-play voice Todd Ellis scheduled to stop by at 8:05am and Troy's own Larry Blakeney at 9:35am. It'll be the Trojans' third trip to Columbia and we've always enjoyed the atmosphere; I like "Also Sprach Zarathrustra" and the fire extinguishers at the entrance and, not only do I respect their mascot choice (and its Hawaiian shaka sign, left), but I like the Rooster Crow they play at Williams-Brice after a big play, although I hope they don't get a chance to play it much Saturday. If you can't listen in on WMSP's blowtorch radio signal, you can listen online at
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